We continue to deliver courses in line with the HSE and DFE guidance. We continually review how best to meet our customers’ training needs. We have successfully delivered safe courses throughout the pandemic.

Our Covid 19 safety measures

We are implementing the following measures to keep your delegates and our employees safe:

  1. If a delegate has any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. new persistent cough, high temperature, loss or change to sense of smell or taste) they must not attend training. We will provide a free transfer to a future course.
  2. We are implementing social distancing measures between everyone at all times during the course and require the same of delegates during breaks. To do this we have reduced class sizes dependent on the size of the room.
  3. Each delegate receives a care pack on arrival.There is hand sanitisation available and regular hand-washing protocols in place. 
  4. We maintain our rigorous manikin cleaning protocols.
  5. We have altered our training practical lessons so that trainers and delegates don’t need to come into direct contact with each other and can remain socially distanced.
  6. All learners will be requested to register their presence in the buildings using the NHS Covid-19 Contact Tracing App โ€“ we recommend that all delegates download this app before they attend the course.

DAT- face coverings 

All learners will be required to wear a face-covering on entry to and while moving around our buildings. Learners may remove their face-covering when seated for training and the trainer will remove theirs to present the course. The trainer will wear a face-covering if moving around the room to observe training. This will apply in all venues and in all COVID alert levels.

Those who have a medical exemption will not be required to wear a face-covering, you can find out more about exemptions on the government website as well as download and print exemption cards should you wish to do so.

We are following advice from Public Health England and will continue to maintain a 2-metre+ distance and rigorous cleaning and sanitization protocols which is why delegates do not need to wear face-coverings while seated in the training room.

We will supply each delegate with a disposable surgical face masks as part of their training pack which may be used in training or can be kept for use as a first aider.

Track and Trace – To protect our communities we participate in the NHS Test and Trace system in our venues. 

How will this work?

If anyone who visits our venues returns a positive test for coronavirus and we are contacted by a representative from NHS Test and Trace, in the interests of public health we will provide the representative with the contact details of the booker for any delegates on the relevant training course. 

The Test and Trace representative will contact you to advise you on the best course of action in relation to your delegates. 

We will only give out information where we are sure the request is a genuine NHS Test and Trace request.

For more information on how Test and Trace works, visit: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/nhs-test-and-trace-how-it-works

Our venues and risk assessments

Every venue we open is subject to a rigorous Risk Assessment and formal Safe System of Work. These are different depending on the layout and use of the building, albeit with some common themes such as one-way systems or specific entrance/exit for different users of the building, hand-washing regimes, sanitiser stations, floor coverings/mats, guidance posters and floor markings, cleaning regimes for equipment used, revised training protocols to avoid touching, and so on.