Direct Action Training is proud to be a leading partner in supporting our fantastic Sports Partnerships reaching far and wide across England. We work closely with all areas of the community to promote an active lifestyle and working with the SSPs is key to this. Our aim is to work with partners on the ground such as the School Games organisers ( SGOs ) to engage with local schools around the benefits of physical activity whilst learning the vital skills of first aid. Our programmes all involve physical activity games and challenges so are accessible through the Sports Premium Funding.

First Aid is now part of the National Curriculum and we are the only trainer in the UK to offer First Aid and Physical Activity combined and accessible through the Sports Premium Spend. Our programmes are tailored to the needs of the children we are teaching and we cater for the age range of 4- 16 year olds by our focused programmes
Mini First Aiders ( 4-7 )
Junior First Aiders ( 8-11 )
First Aid Playleaders ( 6-7 ) (8-11 )
First Aid Leaders ( 11 + )

Children learn the skills of various first aid topics including ;
What is in a first aid kit ?
How to be a safe first aider.
Bandages and Minor Bleeds
Fractures and slings
Casualties & the recovery position
Defibs & calling the emergency services